jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

II Salón Internacional de Humor gráfico de Pernambuco


The themes of the II International Graphic Humour Salon of Pernambuco (SIHG-PE) are Human Rights and Thinkers. The idea is to put Human Right issues such as violence against women, ethnic discrimination, homophobia, religious intolerance, children’s and adolescents’ exploitation and political persecution at the centre of discussion. Not leaving aside the guarantee of individual freedoms, the right to come and go and the polemic about privacy between the public and private.
The idea is to promote, through the cartoons and caricature contest, the reflection about Human Rights and about personalities who contributed with their ideas and thoughts to humanity. 
a)  Both, Brazilian or foreigners, amateur or professional, graphic artists in general may participate.
b) Each contestant can send up to 2(two) pieces of work for each category: cartoon or caricature, as long as they have not been awarded the price by the time they do so. 
c) The candidate to enrol on this contest acknowledges being solely responsible for the veracity of the data and authorship of the work presented, being held liable on a civil and criminal basis, during or after the contest, if proven guilty.
d) Anyone working directly with the organisation, awarding committee and production of SIHG-PE is not allowed to participate, including and up to their second degree relatives.
a) Registration forms will be provided on the website www.sihgpe.com
The registration must be done exclusively via website. 
c) The contestant must fill in a form for each category, attaching the corresponding pieces of work.
d) The pieces of work must be sent in A3 format (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontally or vertically, in JPEG, with resolution of 300 DPI.
e) The organising committee takes no responsibility for entries or work not received due to technical problems with computers, network congestion, communication failure, or any other factor that prevents the successful electronic entry.
f) The homologation of the entries will be published through the confirmation email.
g) The entry will imply accepting this rules and regulations in all its terms, including the deference of the final result of the contest and the items related to the destination and use of the drawings. 
a) The pieces of work will go through a pre-selection process and the chosen ones will be shown at the SIHG-PE exhibition. The full list of selected works will also be published on the site www.sihgpe.com
b) The authors of the selected works will assign the copyright to SIHG to their use at the salon during the event and advertisement of the next ones. The prizewinner pieces may be permanently used for advertisement purpose of the current and future editions of the SIHG. In either case, it is not possible to charge for the use of the works, considering the selection and awarding criterion described in this rules and regulations.
a) The works can be submitted from 1st October, 2015 until 31st January, 2016 by 24:00
b) The judgement of the selected works will occur on 01st April 2016.
c) The exhibition will take place from 3rd April to 1st May, 2016.
a) For the selection and prize awarding, the obeyed criteria will be: creativity, originality and pertinence to the proposed theme. The selection will be made by a judging commission whose decision must be accepted by the participants, with no possibility of being challenged.
b) The submitted pieces of work will be judged by two juries: a judging and an awarding one. The first mentioned, composed of prepared professionals in the area of graphic humour, will select around 120 (a hundred and twenty) pieces of work to compose the catalogue display. Among these, the awarded will be selected by the awarding commission.   
c) From the selected pieces, 4 (four) will be awarded a prize, corresponding to one 1st and 2nd place for each category.
d) The jury may choose up to two works from each category to be awarded an Honourable mention, which does not include a monetary prize.  
Possible omissions will be remedied in due time by the jury. 
a) The selected will be awarded the following prizes per category:
1st Place................................R$ 6.000,00 and trophy;
2nd Place...............................R$ 2.000,00 and trophy;
Honourable mention........... Certificate
1st Place................................R$ 6.000,00 and trophy,
2nd Place...............................R$ 2.000,00 and trophy;
Honourable mention........ Certificate
This makes a total of R$16.000, 00 (sixteen thousand reais) in prizes. 
b) All selected works for the exhibition will have their works published in the SIHG catalogue.
c) The winners will be announced on 3rd April, 2016, at 4pm, upon the exhibition opening and through the site of the event. The winners will be informed via telegram, phone call and/or email.
d) The winners will receive the amount of their prize within 40 days from the disclosure via bank account deposit.
f) The amount will be subject to the tax in force at the moment of accreditation 
Samuca Andrade
Clériston Andrade
II International Exhibition of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco

Segue informações do II SIHG. http://www.sihgpe.com/

Derechos Humanos y los Pensadores

Dibujantes de cómics del mundo, únanse en torno al II Salón Internacional de Humor Gráfico de Pernambuco (SIHG-PE), enviando sus trabajos para que sean expuestos en galería y catálogo y competir por los premios. 
El II SIHG-PE pretende colocar, a través de metáforas discursivas elaboradas por el lenguaje del Humor Gráfico, cuestiones que se encuentran bajo el paraguas de los Derechos Humanos. Temas como la violencia contra la mujer, la discriminación étnica, la homofobia, la intolerancia religiosa, la explotación del niño y adolescente, la persecución política y el trato a los refugiados, entre tantos otros que serán escrutados por una multiplicidad de miradas sobre el Planeta, a través de los artistas de sus continentes. Únanse a favor de la lucha por la garantía de las libertades individuales, por el derecho de ir y venir, de tener voz, de tener un hogar, un trabajo, además de ocio y educación.
En este Salón, los caricaturistas se inclinarán ante la figura de los Pensadores, considerándolos, además de filósofos de todos los tiempos, las personas que a través de sus obras, defendieron puntos de vista sobre problemas sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales, que de algún modo, han contribuido a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor y más justo para la vida en sociedad.
El pueblo de Pernambuco recibirá de brazos abiertos los trabajos, a los visitantes de todos los rincones y, particularmente, a los miembros del jurado, que gentilmente aceptaron nuestra invitación para abrillantar la fiesta del humor con una muestra de sus creaciones y la elección de los premiados. ¡Manos a la obra! 
Samuca Andrade - Organizador         Clériston Andrade - Coordinador

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